September 20, 2024

First Day of School , Summer is DONE !

SCHOOL – Today everyone was up early and back to school. It’s rough getting up early that first week after sleeping in all summer for all those kids.
But it was a nice cool sunny morning to be waiting for a schoolbus.
FIRST DAY FOR THE CROCKPOT – Deb fired up the crockpot this morning and the whole house smells great with our first beef roast for the fall season cooking away. yum !
What a great summer we had compared to last summer. Now we can enjoy the fall and not dread winter so much after having a busy summer of fun.
Fall is my favorite time of year. Always reminds me of tractor driving on the farm digging up the ground as the fall crops were being harvested. A lot of memories of disking cornstalks and filling corn cribs.
Those days are over now and all the corn is shelled and stored in the bins . But those fond memories of fall remain and are awakened each Sept. as the leaves begin to fall.
On our walk yesterday we saw a couple trees that already have lost all of their leaves.
Liebherr Mining Truck – Today I am back in the shop sanding on the Liebherr Truck Parts. I could get them all sanded and primed by tonight.
SWINE FLU – By the end of this week it is predicted thousands of school kids will have the swine flu. They are still several weeks away from finding a vaccine for it. I hope their wrong.
Have a Great Tues.