September 20, 2024

Heavy Hauler ( The Beauty ) Truck next project progress

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Heavy Hauler ( The Beauty ) Truck next project progress

Heavy Hauler ( The Beauty ) Truck next project progress

I Got the plumbing problem fixed yesterday. It cost $700.00 to fix and I did it myself. So I’m sure I saved a few bucks by not calling the plumber.
I also went for a nice snowmobile ride. The snow on the trail was ,so,so , but off the trails it was perfect. I did not pass a single snowmobile on the whole hour ride. The snowmobilers will be heading north today and tomorrow BIGTIME !!. They are hungry to ride those sleds . I rode two days last week and I will go for another ride this afternoon before they all arrive . Many of them only know one speed , and that is , FULL THROTTLE !!!. ha,ha. Me hitting the tree last year on my sled was a good thing. Now it’s rare I go over 50 mph. Instead I just like to enjoy the scenery and being out in the woods is pretty cool.
SNOWMOBILE SNOWCROSS RACES – This weekend there must be a race at the fairgrounds as I saw two Cat 950 Loaders plowing a 20 acre field to get snow for the snowcross track. It must not be a big race because I did not hear them mention it on the local radio station.
ORDERED 4 SHEETS OF STEEL TODAY- My inventory of steel is getting low for my model building , I am using the last piece of 12″ today . I am out of all sizes now down to 2.5 inches. So I ordered 4 full sheets and I will go tomorrow if they come in and get them sheared .
THE BEAUTY HEAVY HAUL TRUCK- Here is another angle of the truck I am now building. With the axles attached to the main frame , this morning I worked on the front right fender and got it welded in place . Next I will build the vertical air tank that mounts just behind the front tire. Then behind that tank there is two fuel tanks. In between riding the snowmobile this afternoon and working in the shop, I should get those parts cut out, welded together and welded to the frame by tonight.
ACCO ITALIAN GRADER VIDEO CLIP- Thanks for all the positive E-mails regarding the Acco Grader Model. I had 80 visitors yesterday check out the latest video showing the big grader on my workbench. From now on I will try to take a video of each model as it gets completed on the bench.