September 19, 2024

Don and Nicole prepare for the Clarendon 5K run.

First ever race for Don Campbell – Less than 9 weeks ago I was thinking about how i would never be able to lose weight again . After trying several times over the last few years I just felt I could never do it again. But Nicole changed all my plans for failure, ha,ha.
Today I ran my first official 5K race in 28 minutes and 17 seconds. So I was very pleased with my time for a old guy.
To keep going I will plan on my next 5K race in Northern Michigan in another month .
It really was a good feeling to think I could do this and feel comfortable and actually get a decent time for the first race of my whole life. I think I am hooked as I love running now.
I am excited to lose 15 more lbs. and then i can really get into this running .
I was also very proud of Deb and Nicole and after I finished i walked down the hill and finished again with them the last few blocks but stopped before they crossed the finish line.
Bill said he was very surprised how strong my legs were in such a short time of training. He said he would not have been able to run the race much faster than that if he would have run by himself so that was pretty cool.
After the race was done we procedded to walk back up the hill 1.5 miles to the car. So it was a good morning workout for sure but great fun knowing we were all doing this as a family for the first time.
We will relax this afternoon but I am fired up wanting to run tomorrow along the Potomac River again. My long range goal is to get to 100 lbs, LOL
Have a great Sat.