September 19, 2024

Don Campbell 40 years ago disking cornstalks on Halloween Day.

Pleasant Valley, Michigan – Todays picture shows me on either a JD4010 or a JD4020 , we had two of each of them at that time on the farm. Today they have nice new shiny modern ones with fancy cabs.
It was Halloween and I must have felt like dressing up for the occasion , ha,ha. I remember disking cornstalks in the dark out in the cornfields watching the cars going by wondering if they were trick or treaters heading to town to load up on bags of candy. It brought back memories of all the fun years I had growing up and how I planned how to hit everyhouse in the whole town before the time limit was up and everyone shut off their porchlights. I had a rough childhood being one of the first families in our little town who parents got divorced was rough. But I am a very positive person and I feel it made me who I am today and I am pleased who I am today . 38 years of a great marriage to my best friend Deb and a awesome daughter who is also our best friend living in D.C. and the lifestyle she dreamed of with her Prince Charming husband Bill who treats her like a Princess. We will be going down to the farm next week and they will be busy harvesting beans . Just the smell in the country from the combine dust brings back fond memories of days on the farm.
After dark I also remember the small heat houser that had to keep me warm into the late night with those cold north winds blowing . The little plastic windows were great and the heat off the engine did good except when you turned the tractor around in the other direction, then that cold air filled that space fast and I would looke forward to getting to the end of the field to turn around and get warm again.
Sat. morning Gaylord Farmers Market- Deb and I headed down to the farmers market and loaded up on apples and a few veggies . Too early yet for the really good apple cidar. Our farmers market buddy told us a couple more weeks after a few more good frosty nights then the good cidar will be out.
RUNNERS WORLD- I was out early running my morning 5K for the first time in the cold rain. Surprising it wasn’t so bad. I had my hood up and gloves on and it went well.
Fall Color Mackinaw Bridge Run today – I thought about trying the 8K run across the Mighty Mackinaw Bridge today but decided that can wait until I lose another 20 lbs. I really enjoy the daily 5K’s right now and it feels good at this level for a while . Once the weight comes off and there is less stress on my knees then i can progress.
Have a Great Sat. with the ones you love. My dad never told me he loved me even once my whole life. He died last year. I am not making that same mistake . Please tell those you love that you love them once in a while. They will never forget it I guarantee it (:>).