September 19, 2024

Runners World Magazine , Otsego County Runner Don Campbell enjoys fall colors.

Runners World Magazine- I have really enjoyed reading in Runners World Magazine health tips and food tips for runners. Todays picture is one Deb took of me yesterday Running in the woods of Otsego Co. But today things changed a little as I ran my morning 5K in the peacefulness of a steady light snowfall. The seasons they is a changin ! ha,ha.
But we have no regrets or complaints about where the summer went. We camped every weekend except two. So we had a wonderful summer of enjoying Northern Michigan.
STEAKS ON THE GRILL – As I cooked Steaks , mushrooms, onions and grilled tomatos I watch the snow falling down. Even though it melted as it hit the ground , it still is a reminder that another summer is gone and all the fun memories we had are now locked in our minds waiting for those wintry icy days to think about.
Nicole and her friends fly out of New York City tonight at 7:00 so they get to enjoy the city again today. Nicole said she has everything planned now for us to go with them in the spring.
Rimpull Coal Truck- Tomorrow I will start building the second trailer.
Have a great Sunday with the ones you love.
Remember , Jesus is the Reason for All the Seasons.