September 19, 2024

Don Campbell runs today 60 days out of the last 66.

Runners World- Today I hit my next goal of running 60 days of running. Although I did not do it consecutively , I was still proud to run 60 days out of the last 66 days when I ran my first 5K in 25 years.
As a senior citizen and obese it is not easy to get up everyday and warm up stretching and head out in the now cold Nov. air.
I still really enjoy running and this running 60 days goal was about me running 60 days 25 years ago before a family jogging tragedy stopped me. I didn’t think I could ever run 60 days again but now I have done it .
Tomorrow morning Deb and I will bundle up again and begin the day running and walking together.
The odds were stacked against us to start running at our age, but we are proving it can be done. We are just careful not to push it too hard.
Hitachi EX-8000- I built the mounting brackets for the six hydraulic cylinders today and got them attached . I also got the clam bucket parts welded together. There is still over 100 to 150 parts to design and build on that part of the machine. But tomorrow I will set that aside and move forward to the design of the house portion .
Have a nice Friday !!!!!!!!