September 20, 2024

Don Campbell remembers a old friend Mark Dornbush .

Toy Collectors – Todays picture shows me and Mark Dornbush visiting on their farm after spending the night in our motorhome next to their barn. Mark Dornbush was one of our first toy collector friends we met at Dyersville at the National Farm Toy Show . Mark invited us to his farm to spend the night on our return trips to Michigan. We did it and ended up staying the night several years and always had fun going out for supper and riding enjoying the countryside with with Mark and his mom and dad. A few years later Marks mom passed away and it was sad visiting the farm without her. A
couple years later Mark passed away at a very young age and then Mark’s Dad passed away too. It was very sad.
Today Deb and I were in the Tractor Supply Store in Gaylord and Deb was looking through the Toy Farmer Magazine and she showed me Aumman Bros. Auctions had a auction for part of Mark’s large collection of toys. It is very sad seeing all three of them pass away so young and it really makes us thankful for today that I got to enjoy today together again with Deb. As we get older we know our day is coming , but we don’t let it get to us, instead we start everyday thanking God for just one more day. (:>).
We hear more and more people say they don’t believe in God. We know that is their right to feel that way. But Deb and I know even if we end up losing everything we have , which is not much , we would not stop believing in God. I have a inner piece everyday even with all the troubles in the world that being a Christian gives me.
Have a Great Sunday !!!!!!!!