September 20, 2024

Hitachi EX-8000 Model and Deb checking over the progress.

Hitachi EX-8000- Todays picture shows more progress as I now have some of the stairs and railings started. I still have a lot of vertical bracing to do on the railings yet. I also still have to cut out the front corner steel for the folding stairs that I will build this week. Now it is at the point that is fun that I can start to see the first shapes coming together. There are many , many things that still have to be done yet, but this goves you the first look at the next stage of the building progress.
NO WINTER FOR GAYLORD – Last year we were plowing snow but this year no sign of snow in the forecast yet. They were predicting snow on Thanksgiving Day and the three days after that. But now it is looking less likely. Hopefully for the winter enthusiasts we will see a lot of snow in Dec.
DOWNSTATE TODAY – We drove downstate today to try to help my mom get hooked up to high speed internet. She still has dial up and it is painful to see her try to use it. We were unsuccessful but we got one step closer. So hopefull one day next week we will make another trip to the farm and get her set up with high speed connections.
HEY GRANDMA !! WHAT’S FOR LUNCH ??- Today we decided to treat my folks to lunch so we stopped at the Grand Traverse Pie Shop in Mt. Pleasant and got them a fresh cherry pie and then we stopped to see the Colonel at KFC and brought them a bucket of greasy chicken , potatos and gravy, coleslaw and biscuits yum !! Oh ! We also stopped and got them some carmel corn from Bruce at the Chocolate Haus in Gaylord. (:>).
My folks are getting up there in years and not getting around very well. Even though this was not good healthy choices, it sure was FUN !! (:>).
RUNNING – Took the day off !!
CHRISTMAS SHOPPING – We managed to pick up a couple more gifts today . We got one more day to get it done and it is looking GOOD ! (:>).
Have a Great Tues. !!!!!!!!!!!