October 4, 2024

( IT’S MY LIFE ) VIDEO , Clip of me plowing snow in my truck

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( IT’S MY LIFE ) VIDEO , Clip of me plowing snow in my truck

( IT’S MY LIFE ) VIDEO , Clip of me plowing snow in my truck

Here is a picture Deb took of me plowing yesterday . She also took a video of me playing with the plow. It has been two years since I got it out . I forgot how fun it was to plow with .
Ever since I was 12 years old and sold my bike and bought a 12 hp tractor/doodlebug and the neighbor put a crude blade on it , I was in heaven plowing snow. This video best viewed with volume cranked on high, ha,ha.
EIGHT inches of new snow – I was up early this morning in the tractor blowing snow , this makes the eighth time plowing for Jan.
Have a nice Sunday with the ones you love.