September 20, 2024

Deb’s Cadillac and tomorrow we find out if Don gets a new Cadillac too !!

Cadillac CTS – Well tomorrow night we will find out of we will be a two Cadillac CTS family. We think we know the price and are pretty sure we are getting it . Mine is the new style CTS and mine is black so it will be pretty cool for Deb to have one and me to have one.
It’s hard to believe Deb’s Cadillac is 6 years old. We store it every winter and it still smells new on the inside . Every spring when she gets it out of storage she is excited because it feels like a new car .
Now we will store two Cadillacs and we both can have the feeling of getting a new car every spring, ha,ha. We will drive my old beater 1996 GMC truck during the winter months.
We have been looking for another CTS now for several months but the right deal hasn’t come along . If it is meant to be , it will work out and if not, we will be fine with it. We looked and drove several different brands of new cars this fall and we are too old now for another sports car.
These CTS’s look cute and kinda sporty and they ride much nicer than a Corvette too. Six Corvettes over the years was great fun but once we started driving this Cadillac, we just got spoiled !!
Hey Deb !! What’s for supper ??- She said I better get used to bread and milk if we’re going to spend all our money on another Cadillac, ha,ha.ha.
Actually we did sell our Corvette and the money from that will go towards the new Cadillac too. If we do get it we won’t drive it until spring anyway until all the salt is gone from the roads. I hate all that road salt on the vehicles but it is just part of living in the snowbelts.
Waldon Plowing this morning – We got about 3 inches of fluffy snow this morning so I fired up Waldo and plowed mine and my neighbors driveways. Still a fun toy. I don’t think Waldo no. 2 would do good with those smooth tires so I decided to leave it in the shed for the winter.
CAT 797F Progress- I designed and cut out more parts today but still nothing to look at yet.
FOOTBALL – Now the football season is getting good. Go Green Bay , Go Vikings and Go Pittsburg , but now things can change in a hurry bigtime !!
Have a Great Monday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!