September 17, 2024

Gaylord Snowmobile trail groomer and Don Campbell questioning 50 inches less snow this winter.

Gaylord Snowfall down 50 inches- Todays picture shows me standing next to one of the Otsego County Snowmobile groomers.
SNOWPLOWING – It’s been over two weeks since I last plowed snow in Gaylord and that is rare in these parts. And the weatherman is saying possible heavy rain this weekend mised with ice and sleet. So it looks like Northern Michigan is also having a winter like the rest of the country is, and that is very unusual.
Hey Deb !, What’s for Supper ? We had sausage and eggs and toast , it’s rare we have breakfast for supper but it was good. (:>)
TWENTY FOUR DAYS TO RACE DAY – I am going to race with Nicole and Bill and Deb is going to be in charge of the photos . I’m not sure if i want to run along side of Nicole and Bill or run ahead and try to beat my last time. Part of me wants to go a little slower and stay with Nicole and Bill and just enjoy the fun of running the whole race together so we can all cross the finish line together and Deb can get some cool pictures of us all finishing together. After all it was Nicole that motivated me to start running a few months ago.
I don’t think at my age the faster time really matters as much as the time and thememories of running the whole race beside Nicole and Bill. I decided race day is what has kept me motivated all these weeks to get up every morning and run but I do not care about a faster time , instead I care about running along side Nicole the whole race. So Nicole it looks like I will be running next to you guys the whole race and enjoying every minute of it with you. (:>)
Cat 797F – Today I worked more on the drive train and the engine.
Have a great Wed. !!!!!!!!!!!