September 19, 2024

Don Campbell’s Nuts about nuts , buying Georgia Pecans.

NUTS- Todays picture shows me just before I purchased A big bag of Georgia Pecans , yum !! Deb and I eat a lot of walnuts, almonds, and pecans. They are very healthy snacks without the sugar coating that people like on them.
Gaylord Weather today is pretty close to the same temps we had in Florida all last month , ha,ha. Really !, I’m not kidding , especially walking along the Gulf of Mexico every morning with the cold north wind blowing.
A CASE OF THE MONDAYS – Is it possible to have a case of the Mondays even if we aren’t working today and even though we just returned from a 30 day get-a-way ?? Today we are getting caught up on a months worth of mail and running errands . Yesterday we just layed around all day except for a hour on the treadmill. We are now back to healthy food and should kick into gear tomorrow or Wed.
SUPERSIZE ME – There was a special on TV a couple years ago about a guy who ate junk food at McDonalds for a month and the doctor followed his daily progress. Each week his hair got more dull , he lost his energy, and his health deteriorated. At the end of the month the doctor was very concerned about his bodily functions were starting to actually shut down from malnutrition.
Well after a month of eating in resturaunts in Florida Deb and I can really relate to that Supersize Me TV Show. (:>).
Waldon Loader- It seemed so good to climb on the Waldon Loader and move a little snow in the front yard.
Worst Gaylord Winter in 30 years – Most people would say lack of snow is a great winter but for the army of snowplow drivers who depend on plowing two to three times a week all winter in the Gaylord area to pay their monthly bills , this winter has been disastrous !! I had one of my snowplow friends plow my accounts last month for me and he didn’t have to plow even one time. Compared to a normal Feb. of plowing of 15 or 16 times.
If it isn’t enough the economy in Michigan is at Depression levels, no snow up north makes it even worse. (:<).
The good news is the sun is shining and it’s 30 degrees and I just hand washed my truck in the driveway . It’s a little cold on the hands, and you have to be careful the sponge doesn’t freeze to the truck, ha,ha.
Jogging- This week as we eat healthy again I will resume running again everyday but traveling in the car everyday for several days was not good for a running routine either.
Workshop – Wed. I will officially go back to the workshop and should be feeling good and healthy again.
Have a great Monday !!!!!!!!