September 20, 2024

KEVIN FROM COLORADO ON THE BEAST, Kevin is the one I am building this truck model for

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KEVIN FROM COLORADO ON THE BEAST, Kevin is the one I am building this truck model for

KEVIN FROM COLORADO ON THE BEAST, Kevin is the one I am building this truck model for

This picture shows Kevin standing on the BEAST. It is a very cool truck alright. Kevin said he got to drive the Beauty Truck a couple different times. So this model will be extra special to him in his collection.
HENDRICKSON TRUCK MODEL PROGRESS- I got the radiator built this morning and installed . I am doing some sanding on the hoods and getting the corners all rounded off. I will build the two air cleaners next that mount on top of the hood.
MORE SNOW IN GAYLORD- It has been snowing and blowing again all morning with two more inches of fresh snow . If it keeps up I will be plowing again in the morning .