September 20, 2024

Deb next to the melting Gaylord Ice Tree today .

Gaylord Ice Tree- Deb and I drove by the Gaylord Courthouse and the ice tree looked so cool today as the warmer 45 degree days are melting it and giving it a very unique shape. It’s hard to see in the picture but in person it is a very deep blue and all the ridges are really interesting looking as it melts.
CAT TRUCK PAINTING DAY – Today i am busy carrying the truck parts out back to the paint room and spraying them yellow.
Most of the parts are pretty easy to handle , but the monster truck box weighs over 75 lbs. and it won’t even fit on the workbench out back so I had to lay two boards across two benches and sit it on top of that.
MELTING SNOW – It is getting very cold every night down in the single digits so it takes most of the day to get up to 45 degrees so not much snow is melting yet.
GAYLORD SNOWMOBILE TRAIL CONDITIONS- We drove by the trails this morning and they are pretty rough looking with bare spots now down to the dirt.
Gaylord Snowmobile Motocross – This weekend at the Gaylord Fairgrounds they had snowmobile snowcross races just a mile from our house.
P&H 5700 XP MINING SHOVEL MODEL- Later this week I will get going on the second largest model I have ever built. The 500 lb, 10 foot tall Silver Spade was my largest ever model built by me so far.
But this P&H 5700 XP is the largest two crawler shovel in the world and the fact I will build it twice the scale of the Spade, it will come close to the same size when completed.
Have a Great Monday !!!!!!!