September 20, 2024

Cat 60 , pickers and junkyards that Don Campbell enjoys looking through.

Junkyards , Pickers – Ever since I was young I enjoyed walking through scrap yards. I always enjoyed seeing the old machinery and all the parts for them. Todays picture was one of those days . We just stopped to see a old machine out front and when we drove back in and talked to the owner he gave us a the full tour.
PICKERS – There is a new TV show called Pickers and it is two fellows walking through junkyards looking for treasures. Although most things they find look like rusty pieces of junk, they fetch a pretty good price . And the pickers take the junk home and most times double their money. The show reminds me of the several times Deb and I have walked though junkyards and scrapyards , I just love it. Deb has no interest at all, but never complains .
Hey Deb !, What’s for supper ? Boiled chicken and sweet potatos, yup , we must be eating healthy again , ha,ha.
AMERICAN IDOL AND DANCING WITH THE STARS- Tonight is our fun TV watching night with both our shows on.
P&H 5700 Model Progress- Today I spent most of the day working on the sliding rail beams again and got them all attached to the bucket and all the bracing welded in place. I also worked more of the parts for the support hinged assemblies . Later this week i will post the next progress picture . Still don’t look like much yet.
RUNNING DAY 2 – It was chilly about 32 degrees when I went out running/ walking today on my second day . The snow is almost all gone in our yard. There is one small spot in our front yard and a long narrow area behind my shed.
Ski Resorts – Two area ski resorts will still be open for skiing this weekend and then they are closing for the season.
Have a great Tues. !!