September 20, 2024

washing my truck in my back shed

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washing my truck in my back shed

washing my truck in my back shed

Deb took this picture of me washing my truck in the back shed. This time of year it snows about one inch everyday and they salt the roads everyday. It is impossible to keep the truck clean. I hand wash my truck most of the time, but I do hand spray it underneath when the salt gets under it.
GOT THE SKI-DOO STUCK YESTERDAY- I went for a nice ride yesterday on the sled and I went off the trail and got into some deep drifts and the front of the sled went down , big time. This was the first time I ever got it stuck. Lucky it has reverse, even then it was a job digging it out. I learned my lesson about trying to go through 4 or five foot powdery snowdrifts.
NEW DOLLAR COIN- Deb did the banking yesterday and I told her to pick up 25 of the new one dollar coins . She brought them hom and they are gold in color. They look pretty cool though.
HENDRICKSON TRUCK MODEL- With all the parts dry , I will start working on the inside of the cab next to detail it.
HEADING TO TRAVERSE CITY – After sitting in Gaylord for three weekends, we just got to go somewhere. We got cabin fever. So even if it is snowing and the roads are a little slippery, we got to get a break , so hopefully we will have a fun , safe trip ,
Have a nice Sat.