October 4, 2024

Alpenfest 5K 2010 run for the turtle , Don Campbell .

Alpenfest 5K run in Gaylord- Todays picture shows me holding a turtle with red tennis shoes. I always considered myself the turtle as I saw most people running circles around me in whatever I did in life. So we always thought it was funny I was the turtle.
We been looking for this turtle statue to put in our backyard and have been unable to find one. We called a couple cement statue stores and they said they did not have anymore of them.
We went for a ride yesterday and Deb spotted one along side the road at a smaller store we had not checked before. So we were pretty happy to find it and sit it on one of our retaining walls in our new backyard.
FATHERS DAY – Fathers Day is sure different these days for so many kids than it was when I was young. In the 60’s no-one got a divorce , well noone except my family , ha,ha.
My dad had to be the first deadbeat father in our town I swear . He just up and left my mom and us five little kids to start a new life with younger women with no kids. We were actually glad because he really brought us down . Sad to say but often times divorce is better for kids, it still is a little embarrassing too .
Him leaving us at a young age made me who I am today and that is all good. Instead of following in his path of drinking , running around and just being a poor overall dad I decided to never drink, never run around and strive to be a great dad. So I guess I should thank him for trying to be a better dad than him.
I fell a little short myself at being a perfect dad too but have had some nice talks with Nicole about those issues. Talking together was something I also never did with my dad. Nicole and I can talk about anything and that alone is the best. (:>).
One thing we do talk about is I tend to have a short fuse at times but we are lucky we can talk about it and actually laugh and joke about it. And that is the best of all we work through those rare times because our love for each other is solid
Now it’s time for Nicole to become a parent and we are very excited for her and now I will do my best to be a great grandpa too.
On this beautiful Sunday Fathers Day morning I’ll have to say my wonderful wife and best friend Deb and my wonderful daughter Nicole have made all these years of being a father pretty easy.
But most of all as a father I will continue to try everyday to be the best father because i know what happened in the past doesn’t matter , it’s what happens today and tomorrow , etc, etc, that matters.
Hope you all have a great Fathers Day