September 20, 2024

letourneaud-D-800dozer overview in coal

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letourneaud-D-800dozer overview in coal

letourneaud-D-800dozer overview in coal

Here is another cool view of the LeTourneau D-800 at work pushing coal . Thanks again Dale.
ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY SIX INCHES OF SNOW IN GAYLORD- It’s just another average winter for us in the Alpine Village , today the paper showed we have received 136 inches so far. So we should get another 20 inches or more before it is done. We usually get a couple late spring snowstorms of 6 or 7 inches too.
Lampson Truck Model- I worked this morning doing the final assembly. It is almost ready to take pics of it. I will do that this afternoon. Deb has today off , so I will not work in the shop on the Super dozer today. I will get started on it tomorrow. I will also post the first pics of the completed truck model and a video clip of it on the workbench tomorrow.
ICY DRIVE TO TRAVERSE CITY YESTERDAY – Deb and I have lived in Gaylord 22 years and yesterday was the worst I have ever seen the roads . We should have turned around , but I kept thinking once we got to the main highway , it would just be salted like crazy and wet. But I was WRONG !. I kept going thinking the next town would be better, I was WRONG again, then i felt I had gone too far to turn back , so we drove the last 20 miles into Traverse City and it was TERRIBLE even pulling into the mall. Just a glare of ice the whole way. They had spread sand on the roads and that was helpful.
As the sun came out and the temps got up to 18 degrees, the salt starting working and the drive home was just wet and slushy.
It still seemed good to get away after 4 weeks of not leaving Gaylord. The weatherman said today we have had 28 days in a row of bitter cold, near single digit temperatures, and we broke a 100 year record. So much for global warming, ha,ha.
So Deb and I are going out for lunch and just goof off this afternoon. Have a nice afternoon.