September 19, 2024

P&H 5700 cable excavator progress.

P&H 5700 Mining Excavator – I’m working away sanding and priming parts . By Tomorrow night I should have them all sanded and primed and Monday I will begin painting the first parts.
WEIGHTWATCHERS – Bye, Bye 26 lbs !! It’s rare I step on the scales to weigh myself because it is more frustrating to see no progress for several days. But today I did decide to step on the scales and was pleasantly surprised to see I have lost 26 lbs. now . Four more lbs. and I will be very happy !, not thin, but very happy , ha,ha.
One week from today I will race my second ever race in my whole life so I got to eat 100% healthy this week for sure.
Nicole and Bill are here and we are all on agreement to eat really good. Except Nicole was craving some Crazy Bread from Little Caesars and she ordered one small order but we had none of it.
Alpenfest starts next week too and all the booths with goodies will be set up so we got to stay away from them too, ha,ha.
Liebherr Crane – Todays picture I took of a Liebherr crane in Petosky working just off the shore at the Petosky Marina repairing part of a broken pier.
Hope your all having a great Summer !!