September 20, 2024

DHS Openhouse 2010 moving models from Gaylord to Cleveland VIDEO.

DHS Open House in Cleveland Video – Today’s picture shows Nicole’s husband Bill and his twin brother who used to be bodybuilders but now have let themselves go , ha,ha. are helping me remove the boxes from the haul trucks . The video shows them attempting to lift the Hitachi EX-8000 Model. After we shot the video they realized it was time to go back to the gym , LOL
Alpenfest 2010 is over and it was the best Alpenfest for Deb and I with Nicole and Bill home . Also getting to see our nephew and his family from Texas and so many other friends this past week.
Now I can get back and focus on the DHS Open House Toy Show in Cleveland next Weekend . We’ll post the next video clip tomorrow and Tues. the first P&H 5700 Video Clip mounting the boom.
Hope your all having a great SUMMER !!