September 19, 2024

P&H 5700 Worlds largest 2 crawler Cable Excavator .

Worlds largest two crawler cable excavator- Todays picture shows me near the bucket and the cab side of the monster 1/12th scale model.
This is the second really large model I have built now and it is my favorite .
Deb , Nicole and I love the blue, white and yellow colors .
People ask me why I would build a model so large if it doesn’t have motors to work. I explain to them that it is more like a piece of art work and I love how machinery looks in large scale model form.
Besides they look awesome in my living room on the shelves in that larger scale, ha,ha.
I have about 50 different 1/50th scale toys and I really like them but they look like little kids toys and if I pick one up the wrong way it seems like pieces always break off very easily .
After a few years they all seem to have a piece broke off here and there and I hate the idea of gluing them back on.
My models I build are all steel , welded and bolted together . Even the railings are steel and welded on . If one of the models fall off the shelf I just get the welder out and plug it into the living room recepticle and weld it back on , ha,ha. Also If one of these models fall off the shelf I have to get some new plywood and repair the floor too , LOL
I love the 1/50th scale toys but my larger scale models seem more realistic to me in the larger sizes. (:>). Most of all I love watching them slowly take shape in my little workshop.
Have a nice Thurs.