September 20, 2024

Gaylord to Mackinaw Bike Trail , Don Campbell Gaylord Resident getting in Shape.

bikesnake, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Todays picture shows me just returning from a morning 10 mile warm up mountain bike ride on the Gaylord to Mackinaw Trail. Last week I rode the trail three days for the first time in two years. I biked 35 miles last week . So far this week i have biked 44 miles on the trail. Along with running a morning 5K every other morning and walking/running a 5K every other morning I think biking every night is just the key to help me lose the last 15 lbs. or die trying, ha,ha.
I have a 23 year old Cannondale mountain bike with no suspension but it still gives me a good workout. This morning I ran over a live snake and although I did try to avoid it.
Cat 657E Coal Hauler Scraper- I mounted the tires on the rims yesterday and I worked more on the Boat model yesterday .
Summer is definately winding down .
Nicole and Bill find out today if their baby will be a boy or a girl.
If it’s a boy I may try to persuade him to like John Deeres, ha,ha.
Coal Mine Trip Planned- It’s been a few years since we did a coal mine trip and we just confirmed we will be doing another one this fall .
Because of strictor rules I can’t diclose the location but will be sure to share some cool photos when we get home. I really need a BIG CAT FIX
Hope your having a Great Summer !