September 20, 2024

Chessie gp-40-2 Don Campbell’s winter project.

They found out yesterday and we are all very excited . Hope we have some boy toys around here for him to play with , ha,ha. You will not believe all the little boy toys I have still in the boxes (:>)
We’re going to have some great Christmas’s, I just know it !!
Toy Trains – Train Brain is what Deb used to call me when i had a train layout in my basement 30 years ago, ha,ha. The trainset kept me entertained for a few years and Nicole enjoyed watching me work down their when she was a little girl. I have always thought about building a larger model of a Diesel Locomotive like the one in this picture. The scale in this picture would be a fun size to start out with about 4 or five feet long. The first one will not run but just be to set on the shelf in the living room , ha,ha. especially if I build a few coal cars to go behind it.
I am very excited to build my first large scale Diesel Engine.
Ship model ? I worked on the ship model most of the week and it is rare i acomplished nothing. I built several sets of stairs and railings only to decide I did not like them so I built more in a smaller size and did not like them. It’s hard to go from 1/12th scale to 1/100th scale , ha,ha.
So now I am experimenting again with another idea for the tiny sized steps and railings.
SEVENTY FOUR MILES THIS WEEK- So far this week I have rode my mountain bike 74 miles. I just completed my first 20 mile bike ride with a five minute rest break. I hope to ride another 20 miles tomorrow and then a fun 6 miles to make it 100 miles for the week. I also ran a 5K this morning and Deb ran along side me for over half of it and that was great, She is doing so great !
Hope your all having a great Summer !!