September 20, 2024

Don Campbell’s first Biatholon Today in Gaylord.

DSC03414, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Todays picture is me last night in Boyne City pushing the boat over so Bruce could connect the ropes. We had another delightful sunset cruise on Lake Charlevoix. I never liked boats much since a near tragic event as a child on a boat in a tornado. But the more Deb and I ride on Bruces boat , the more I am relaxing and enjoying it. Deb was worried I would fall in the water after she snapped this picture, ha,ha.
MY FIRST EVER BIATHOLON – As Deb and I left the house this morning running together it was already 75 degrees . She ran 3/4 of the 5K with me so I ran ahead and then came back a few times until we were both home again. Once we got home I decided to hop on my mountain bike and head out on the trail. I ended up biking on the trail 20 miles non stop for a total time of 2 hours and ten minutes . So I guess that could be considered my first ever biatholon . My time would have been better but a baby turkey started running behind me thinking I was it’s mother so I had to cut my speed to nurture it for a moment , ha,ha.
Very good feeling to think I did that !! Just when i thought I better be looking for a good jazzy chair I realize not quite yet, ha,ha.
Ship Model – Working on the model and by this weekend I will post the next progress picture.
Have a great Tues. !