September 20, 2024

Traverse City Zip Line for Don Campbell.

DSC03446, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Zip Line – Although it is a small zip line, it was still fun for a moment to feel suspened in the air flying along like I was light as a little bird. But as I approached the landing and saw the young girl waiting to stop me she had a look of panick ! As my large body slammed into her at about 20 mph and pinned her against the rear safety wall I wondered how much she was making an hour. Ha, ha. I thought at that moment I’m just glad I didn’t try it a couple years ago because the wall would not have stopped me, LOL .
New Mountain Bike Shopping – We stopped at Brick Wheels Bike Shop in Traverse City yesterday and priced out a new mountain bike for me. Deb and I have been talking about me possibly buying a new bike when i reach my goal weight of 15 more lbs. lost. They ranged in price from $500.00 to $2,500.00 . We decided for now I love my old fashioned Cannondale with no suspension. It’s a little rough on the hynie but it gives me a good workout and that is what I want. I figure if I get too many luxuries on a new bike I would not get a good workout and I would actually gain my weight back ? Then Deb would make me sell the fancy new bike , ha,ha.
Great Lakes Ship Model- Tomorrow I will head to the shop and work on the ship model , if things go good this week I could have it done except for the decals this weekend.
Cat 657E Coal Scraper- If I get the coal ship model done by this weekend then next Monday I will start cutting out the first Twin Engined Scraper Parts. Very excited about that model too as I have never built a scraper that is going to be almost 6 feet long. another very cool upcoming project !
Buckley Steam Engine Show- This week the Annual Buckley Steam Engine Show starts . It is located about a half hour south of Traverse City. Deb and I always enjoy walking around looking at everything . Correction !, I always enjoy looking at the stuff, and Deb just enjoys my company and I always buy her a ice cream cone after breathing in a few hours of dust, dirt and smoke ha,ha.
SEVENTY – FIVE MILES – This week I even slowed down on my biking because of the heat and high humidity. I only logged 75 miles last week. Today starts my fourth week of cross training and I was up early running my first 5K of the week and I did bike my first 20 miles this morning .
It’s time to say goodbye to summer eating habits and get back to 100% weightwatcher points counting again. It was great fun and we still had some control but in just a few weeks Nicole has me signed up for my third race in the rolling hills of Northern Virginia. Small hills could be a problem for me never running in them but it will be a great new challenge too .
Have a Great Summer Evening