September 20, 2024

Don Campbell’s First Freighter Model.

coalboat, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Boatnerd – Great Lakes Ships
Today the weather feels much cooler with a north wind out of Canada and it feels great. So I enjoyed working in the shop today on the ship model and while parts were drying I cut out the axle parts for the Cat 657E Coal Scraper.
I got 46 miles done on the mountain bike and two 5K runs done already this week , great start for the week ! I’m finally starting to feel younger , I swear I am 3 months younger now after running for a year . Not sure if that is worth it, ha,ha.
Buckley Steam Engine Tractor Show- I’ll work in the shop the next two days and a half a day Thurs. then we head to the Buckley Tractor Show.
Mine Trip – Just a few more weeks and I get to go to the coal mines again for a Big Caterpillar FIX ! Oh YEA !! I’m long overdo (:>).
Biking with Bruce and Todd – Tonight I biked ten miles with Bruce from the Chocolate Haus and my neighbor Todd . It was only the second time I ever biked on the trail with other bikers. I usually like to bike alone at my own pace. But I knew Bruce was struggling a little biking back up the mountain when a lady with her dog past him and they were walking , ha,ha. Hey, I give Bruce a lot of credit for trying as in the last two nights he has biked with me 16 miles. Everybody has to start somewhere , sometime even old people like me. I still can’t believe I can run 7 days a week and bike over 100 miles a week and it doesn’t even phase me. That is very cool. I got to lose 15 more lbs. before winter.
Have a great Monday