September 19, 2024

Lippizion Stallions look different for Don and Debbie Campbell

buckleyonehorsetractor, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Lippizian Horses- Today were headed to see the Lippizian Stallions perform at the Petosky Fairgrounds. Should be great fun .
Todays picture could be a Red neck Lippizian Stallion , ha,ha.
Food Poisoning – It’s been a rough week for me as I must have got a touch of food poisoning or something. I have been on the border line of being real sick all week. It did not stop me but it did slow me down . I had a good productive week in the shop but cut way back on the running and biking this week.
Fall weather and carmel apples- It almost felt like carmel apple and apple cider time a couple mornings this week and it felt great. We always drive down to St. Johns to Uncle Johns Cider Mill to enjoy memories of Nicole growing up taking her so many times for fresh donuts and cider and to watch the apples fall from the conveyor and get crushed and see the fresh cider flowing through the clear tubes along with an occaisional worm or two, ha,ha. Just kidding !!
Runners World – I did run a full 5K this morning and did bike just 5 miles on the trail so that felt really good.
Weightwatchers- I also think I overdid it going back to raw almonds, dried cherries, bananas , and lots of half cooked brocolli . That too could have made my insides hurt.
Have a great Sunday with the ones you love !!