September 20, 2024

Gaylord resident Don Campbell prepares to build a 6 foot long train engine model.

train4, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Toy Trains- Over the years I have always enjoyed toy trains like millions of others. I even had a cute little train layout in the corner of my basement 30 years ago that Nicole and I used to enjoy . I new a few serious train people over the years and they really do have a passion for toy trains. One fellow had his whole basement set up with hundreds of trains and cities and factories and he had to run the trains 7 days a week to keep the towns supplied with goods and the factories running.
That was a little over the top but Deb and I still showed him we were excited and enthused watching him one night. But when his son wanted to go out on a date and the dad said no , who would help him run the trains on schedule and that noone else had the neccessary experience to get the supplies to their destinations on time we thought that was a bit strange. But to each his own and we all have different levels of model building and toys and toy trains and planes and boats , etc. No one is more enthused about toys than me as I am in my 50’s still building toys.
Deb took this picture the other day in Gaylord of a Train parked near downtown so we stopped and snapped a couple pictures. Possibly a GP-35 or GP-40 but not sure. But this is very similar to the shape of the nose I plan to build the 6 foot model of. I am very excited to build it !!
I should get building it in Oct. and should complete it by Christmas to put under the Christmas tree on Christmas Morning, ha,ha.
Cat 657E Scraper Progress- I got the hood , headlights, grill now built and will work on the front bumper design next.
Gaylord to Mackinaw Bike Ride – I headed out on the mountain bike this morning and it was cool on the trail and for a moment I wanted to keep going and do the 50 mile ride to the Mackinaw Bridge today. But I figured I better work in the shop again today and wait a few more days .
The ride to Cheboygan was great two weeks ago so i just got to do the whole ride to Mackinaw this fall.
End of Summer- I checked over the snowmobile yesterday knowing it won’t be long now before we see snowflakes.
Hope you all had a wonderful summer . It was the best summer ever with Deb not working . Correction, she does work every Mon. morning (:>) for 15 minutes when she takes out the trash, ha,ha. And she is paid well for that, ha,ha.
Have a great Tues. !