September 19, 2024

Cat 994D Loader is Broke !!

brokeloader, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Cat 994F Loaders- Five 994 Loaders is the number of really big loaders they had in the mine the day i was there a few days ago when this picture was taken with James. The loader lift arm assembly was cracked real bad and getting ready for a brand new one to be installed as it sat next to this broken one. James said this one would be prepared and used as a spare in a emergency. The really cool thing about this old backup loader is it is the very same one I got to run five years earlier. Those days are over with much tighter rules for guests. But I will never forget that day (:>).
HOME SWEET HOME – We returned home tonight after being gone for two weeks out East . We had a fun week with Nicole and Bill and their friends and we got to see Nicole looking real pregnant . We tried to talk her into having just one child so it would turn out perfect like her, (:>) The way she has been feeling so sick, she is strongly thinking about it, ha,ha.
She is due about Christmas time so she could have a Christmas Day Baby Boy ? (:>)
Bill is busy hunting before Terak is born because he knows a baby might adjust his hunting time just a wee bit, ha,ha.
He is a great husband and we know he will be a great daddy too.
We took a lot of pictures and several video clips we will start posting in the next couple days when we get everything sorted.
Today we stopped at Uncle Johns Cider Mill and had some fresh squeezed cider and some fresh donuts. YUM !!
Have a Great Wed. !!