September 19, 2024

Don Campbell Museum Video

DCmuseumno2, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Mining and Construction Models- Todays picture shows several more of the models in Leon’s unique collection.
I am still thinking about the moment I walked in the room and saw models I thought I would never see again. Each one really is like metal art projects to me. They all started with a flat piece of steel and I spent weeks and months cutting, bending, drilling, welding , bolting , sanding and painting them. For a moment i felt like they were almost like my children that I molded into individual shapes.
I will post more pics of more of the models and the video soon.
FACEBOOK – I am also posting pics on facebook.
Fall Color Tour – Deb and I were out this morning running in the fall colors in Northern Michigan . What a great time of year.
But the downside about fall is overdoing it on too much fresh apple cider ? That stuff can do a job on you, ha,ha.
Cat Scraper – Today I will have part of the parts sanded and will prime the first parts.
Chessie Diesel Train Model- I will work more on the designs this weekend that Nicole helped me work on in D.C. Thanks again Nicole. (:>)
Motorhome Storage – Were getting the motorhome ready this weekend too to put in the storage shed for the winter. It was another great summer of fun camping.
Snowblower and Snowscoop – Yesterday I went and looked over the snowblower and thinking about in the next few weeks getting it all ready to go for winter.
The apple cider is working ?, I better go now , LOL
Have a Great Friday