September 19, 2024

Dons Models Video posted today on you-tube

donsmodels, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

You-tube Videos – Deb has downloaded 94videos now related to my models , heavy equipment , snowplowing, etc.
To find most of the videos together you can type in ( don campbell models on you-tube. Deb is adding a video this morning showing the smaller models. She will download another video showing the large shovels and trucks soon.
Cat Scraper Progress- This afternoon I will have all the parts sanded and primed and then i will begin fine sanding the primer and should get the first parts painted tomorrow.
GLEE- Tonight is our TV night for watching Glee . Some of the show is kinda goofy , but we really like most of the song choices .
Deb is making no-bake cookies and popcorn with real butter to kick up the enjoyment level even more, ha,ha.