September 19, 2024

Another Superdozer pic from Larry in W.Va.

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Another Superdozer pic from Larry in W.Va.

Another Superdozer pic from Larry in W.Va.

Here is another cool night-time picture Larry gave me. It says a lot about Larry and how much fun taking his camera with him to work was. Most people working 12 hour days in the mines probably don’t want to take many pictures to look at when they get home. They want a break from the coal mines. Getting rare pics like this one and knowing who is in the machine is even cooler. Thanks again Larry for this neat picture.
KOMATSU 575A SUPER DOZER MODEL- I am working on the second track frame and could get it done by tomorrow morning. Then i will get going on the track pads.
THIRTY DEGREES here in Gaylord today, very mild and it seems pretty nice going outside and not feeling 5 degrees.
TEXAS BARBECUE- In a few weeks we hope to head to Texas on a new adventure. I have always heard Texas has the best barbecued ribs. I love ribs, but have never had slow cooked overnight type ribs that they talk about. We will be going by Memphis too and they say a place called Jim Neely’s Interstate BBQ also has the best slow cooked ribs. We also looked up Corky’s Ribs and Rendevous Ribs. So along with seeing some cool machines , I hope to taste some of the countries best , slow cooked ribs. (:>)
Big Machinery, and BarBeCue Ribs and driving across country with by best gal beside me , it don’t get no better than that, LOL!