September 19, 2024

Toy Train Roof Fan Construction

donstrainrooffans, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Thirty – Two Fan Blades- Todays picture shows the bell mounted to the side and shows me working on the four roof fans. I hand cut and shaped the 32 fan blades . Tomorrow I will work on the few dozen other parts for the fan assemblies.
Friday Fish Fry- Deb made homeade onion rings and homeade potato chips with barbecued chicken wings today , yum !
Now as I sit here updating my webpage she is making some popcorn with real butter. Yum !!
Cold Canadian Air – I fired up the Waldons tonight and drove them around playing in the backyard just because I am getting anxious to play in the snow. The cold air from Canada is here tonight and tomorrows highs in the low 30’s is perfect for a nice snowstorm, ha,ha.
Have a great Friday