September 19, 2024

Digging out Corvette from snowbank video

desperateplowing, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Desperate snowplowman-
( Desperate to plow snow video click here)
I am a snowplowman and have been for 19 years . Actually I have been a snowplowman for over 50 years ever since I picked up my first snowshovel and shoveled our sidewalks as a little boy (:>)
I remember the good old days when we would plow sometimes 4 or five times in a week. One week I plowed 7 days in a row . I admit those kinda weeks it did get a little too much . We always got around 200 inches of snow each winter . But the last two winters have been almost like we are living in Florida or at least Georgia, ha,ha. I think we ended up with a measley 80 or 90 inches.
It’s Jan. and we don’t even have a 2 inch base on the snowmobile trails. More lake effect snow is falling today and several inches should fall tonight and tomorrow but it’s all the powdery lake effect snow. I am just glad were getting any snow .
I’ve only plowed once so far this whole year of 2011 ?
Yesterday the sun was shining so nice and bright and it warmed up to 15 degrees so I decided to take the one snowpile I got in the backyard and move it over 10 feet ? Now that is desperate , ha,ha.
You’ll see it wasn’t for nothing because I did need to dig out the Corvette that was parked behind the hill (:>).
This snowpile was hard and it was icy so it didn’t dig the greatest but it was still fun and made this snowplowman happy again , LOL
Toy Train Progress Update- I am still working on the main control panel and should get it roughed in by tonight. Tomorrow I will cut the floor opening for the stairs down to the restrooms. I am not sure if there is a men and womens restroom for sure, ha,ha. I’m just making a mens (:>).
Have a great Thurs.