September 20, 2024

Don Campbell’s idea of a perfect winter toy

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Don Campbell’s idea of a perfect winter toy

Don Campbell’s idea of a perfect winter toy

WINNING THE LOTTO – It’s not looking like there is going to be much of a chance now of winning the big jackpot.
DEB AND AND MY GAMBLING PAST- Yes, I’ll have to admit that Deb and I even did a little gambling over several years.
It was in the early seventies and we were pretty broke, we always paid our bills , but there was very little extra money , usually about $5.00 . There was a big jackpot and I remember Deb and I talking about maybe spending our last few bucks on lotto tickets. So we went out and spent the whole FIVE BUCKS on Lotto Tickets. We were pretty nervous thinking this could be the beginning of a major gambling problem. The next day we checked all the tickets and to our surprise, we did NOT WIN !! You can imagine how we felt blowing all that money , when we could have bought a full slab of ribs in the early 70’s. We never bought another lotto ticket after that day.
Several years passed and they started building the big Casinos . Everybody was telling us how fun it was and how they were all winning money. You guessed it!, off we went to the Casino. This was the early 80’s , and we had established ourselves a little more and we were sitting better financially . Now when payday rolled around and after the bills were paid, we had ample funds to play with. Ten more years of hard work and moving up the ladder at work paid off. It was nothing to have $20.00 left after the bills were paid. (:>) So we went to the Casino and we bought a FULL ten dollar roll of quarters. We chose the machines wisely and at the end of the night , we had won NOTHING !!.
We have not gambled since that day at the Casino . So I guess it was a long shot we would win the BIG Lotto today, ha,ha.
JUST RETURNED FROM A SNOWMOBILE RIDE- It was 2 degrees this morning , and it’s 15 degrees now. I took the Ski-Doo out for a little ride. It’s supposed to warm up next week so I may ride the sled a couple more times this week.
DELIVERED MY TRUCK TO THE GMC DEALER TODAY- Deb and I were up early so she could follow me to the dealer before her daycare kids arrived at 7:00am . They said it should be fixed by tonight. They have to pull the fuel tank and put a new sender and replace several steel fuel lines and the filter and such. I do most repairs, but not leaky gas ones when the tank has to be removed.
KOMATSU 575A SUPER DOZER- I got the first tank built and bolted to the first fender. I am working on the rear tank now and have it almost done. This afternoon I will start on the third tank for the other fender. I want to thank Lynn from Wash. State for the cool picture of the snowplow he sent me this morning . That is EXACTLY what I want to play in the snow with , ha,ha.

