September 19, 2024

Nicoles three computers, that girl is HOOKED up to the internet alright , ha,ha.

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Nicoles three computers, that girl is HOOKED up to the internet alright , ha,ha.

Nicoles three computers, that girl is HOOKED up to the internet alright , ha,ha.

Here is a picture of Nicole with her desktop computer with the double screens , her larger laptop and now sitting to the left and the smallest laptop is the one she just got on Friday.
It’s hard to believe it’s so small and so expensive. I could have bought two of the big laptops for the price of this mini-computer, ha,ha. But that was what she really wanted and I wanted to get her exactly what she wanted. She never asks Deb and I for anything , she is a very hard worker and she is very organized .
At work Nicole is on top of things and everyone in the office knows it. Deb and I got to go for a special visit to her work last year and everyone came up to us and said what a nice person Nicole was and how she was so good on the computer .
So these computers aren’t just toys for Nicole, she puts these computers through their paces. She knows them inside and out .
Nicole’s husband, Bill , is a Computer Systems Engineer, he works very hard too . Once in a while if Nicole gets in a bind , Bill helps her out.
Did I mention Nicole can type??
When Nicole was 12 years old we bought Nicole a typing game called ( Mario teaches typing)
Whenever she would be typing too slow, Mario would cross his arms and start tapping his foot , and that always frustrated Nicole. So to keep him from tapping his foot, Nicole learned to type FAST !
It wasn’t long before Mario never again crossed his arms or tapped his foot.
Today in her office , everyone knows when Nicole is typing , that girl types 96 words per minute. It’s hard to believe she is even typing , she is going so fast and it is so loud . So if you ever wonder if computer type games are good for kids, Nicole is proof they are.
When Nicole turned 13 we bought our first computer. They were just coming out on the market for the public. And the rest is history.
Today she works in Wash. D.C. making big bucks and loves creating and designing work for important people around that big city. Nicole , mom and I are very proud of you !!
FORTY DEGREES- Spring has sprung !! , Deb and I had fun yesterday at Traverse City , the sun was shining and it got up to a warm 40 degrees. It almost felt like we were in Florida, ha,ha. Today it is supposed to get up to a whopping 50 degrees!! So I told Deb to pack my speedo in case we go to the beach somewhere and can find open water on the ice covered lakes, ha,ha.
We will have another fun today together with the warm temps .
Deb bought a new digital camera yesterday , it is a Sony , and it is half the size of our current Sony camera. I take over 1000 pictures a year and Deb takes a lot of pictures too and our camera is three years old.
If we make the trip to Texas in a few weeks , we will need a new camera as we hope to get lots of pictures of me eating Bar-Be-Cued Ribs, LOL
Nice E-Mails to me – I want to say thank you to all the people who stop from their busy day and sit down and send me very nice E-mails and tell me how much you enjoy the webpage . Knowing you enjoy seeing my models , and you enjoy hearing about my family adventures makes me feel good. It helps me to stay enthused about continuing doing the webpage and to continue taking new pictures to share with everyone. I do not ask for donations, or I do not sell anything on my webpage. It is just me sharing the things I love with so many nice people all over the world.
EIGHTY -THREE COUNTRIES- On Jan. first Nicole set me up with a new counting system on my website. I still have the old one that shows the stats from several years past. But these new stats I have checked to see if I still get the visitors from all over the world. As of Jan. first, I am still getting reg visitors from 83 countries around the world. That is very cool !! Thanks again everyone and have a
PS , Nicole have fun on that new mini-computer, I am very proud of you ! (:>).