September 19, 2024

Deb and her three computers

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Deb and her three computers

Deb and her three computers

Here is a picture of Deb , and she , even has three computers, ha,ha. Nicole has really got Deb hooked up to the internet too.(:>). I only have one computer, and that is plenty.
WI-FI- Yesterday Deb and I drove downstate and we ate at our favorite pizza place in Alma. Pizza Sams is where we used to get pizzas for years when we lived in that area.
Deb has a little pocket computer that you can see in this picture that she is typing on the little mini keyboard. As we rode around the area , she was scanning for any wireless free connections. Many towns now offer free wireless Deb was happy to see five different towns we passed through had free wireless. So she checked her E-mail and she E-mailed Nicole from our car. (:>). So Deb was pretty happy about that. As we travel to Texas we will check different towns as we pass through. Most motels we stay at now do have wireless so we can get connected each evening in the motel.
On the turnpike to Wash. D.C. at the rest areas, they charge people to use their wireless, so we don’t want to pay them. Deb just calls Nicole on the cell phone  to let her know our progress as we drive to D.C.
We also went to my sisters yesterdays and they had wireless and Deb even connected with her mini-computer there.
So Deb had fun in the car as we traveled around yesterday. She also had her new GPS system she is fine tuning for our Texas Trip. Deb is very good with electronics.
We stopped at a couple Tractor Dealerships and that was fun for me. I really like look at those brand new tractors all lined up.
KOMATSU SUPER DOZER- I got the first three walls for the cab cut and the door and window opening s cut out with the plasma cutter and filed smooth. I should get the rest of the walls done by tonight.
TEXAS TRIP UPDATE- It looks like the worlds biggest LeTourneau L-2350 Monster Loader no. 3 will not come out of the assembly line as we planned . So we will make adjustments with our Texas trip and now we will squeeze in a trip to Wash. D.C. before we go to Texas. So now it looks like I got to wait even longer for those southern Bar-Be-cued Ribs. umm, umm.
GAYLORD SNOW/ POURING RAIN – With the warmer weather, our snow turned to pouring rain. We still got a lot of snow everywhere. We can’t even begin to see any grass, but we now know spring is getting close. The weartherman is saying colder and snow later this week. I am getting tempted to fire up the Corvette and pull it out in the driveway, ha,ha.
Have a nice Mon.