September 20, 2024

Gaylord , Michigan Morel Mushroom time for Don Campbell

donsmorals, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Otsego County Morel Mushrooms- Gaylord Herald Times always puts news articles in thier paper about Morel Mushroom season . Everyone is eager to go out and get their first ones. It is May 11, 2011 and here is our first batch of breaded and fried Morels for this season. We should get another batch in a couple more days with a nice warm rain today.
Cat Dozer Progress- Today i will work more on the top suport brackets for the lift cylinders as thye have to have curved cradles for the cylinders sit in to be able to move .
Gas Prices – Wall Street is excited that crude oil is back on the rise again. Those people doing short selling will make millions as it continues to rise. They sold last week at 115.00 a barrel and bought it back at 98.00 a barrell and now they ride it back to the top making millions .
Housing prices not hit bottom yet. Wall Street also said it will be another two years of falling home prices before things hit bottom . So if you can wait to purchase a house you could save 40 to 50 thousand or even more.
Nucleur Meltdown – Today I read that the third Nucleur Reactor is now leaning to one side getting close to collapsing from the deteriation of the ground beneath it falling apart from the meltdown inside it. The U.S. is talking about detonating a nucleur bomb under it so it will all fall into the large crater and then over the next 100 years seep into the ocean . What a plan !! Aren’t we excited now for them to build more nucleur plants in the U.S.? Very Sad.
Osama – It will take over 100 years to pay back the money the government spent over 15 years to get this guy. It is just crazy it took so long.
Have a great Wed. !!