September 20, 2024

Soo Locks , 1st camping trip this summer.

donsoo2, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Soo Locks – Here is a picture Deb took of me at the campsight with a Freighter passing by upbound in the river heading to the locks. Camping along the St. Mary’s River a couple miles down from the locks is my favorite place to relax. It is just so peaceful and it is about the only place I can really unwind and relax. Gusty winds all night kept the camper rocking and Deb and I kept it rocking most of the morning after the winds stopped, LOLH !
Windchills in the 30’s this morning got the furnace to kick on in the night . The campers beside us weren’t so lucky as they told us today they were outside at 3:00am trying to fix their furnace. BEEN THEIR , DONE THAT before , ha,ha.
Hotdogs on the campfire. – The simple things in life like a good old Vienna frank roasted just perfect on the campfire , YUM !!
NEW Observation DECK – We tried out the new observation deck at the visitors center and it was very nice. No where as nice as the one at St.Claire Shores , that one is AWESOME with air and heat and even a bakery !! inside . It don’t get any better than that, ha,ha.
I still love boatwatching and camping at the Locks after 40 years .
Have a great Thurs. !!