September 19, 2024

Cat 1/3rd scale D-11R hydraulic cylinders primed by Gaylord Toy Builder , Don Campbell

catd11rprimedcylinders, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Cat Hydraulic Cylinders- Todays picture shows the front steel lines now attached and the cylinder rods . also the sanding is done and the front parts are primed and just sitting in the cradle supports. You can also see on the workbench some of the steel tubing I use to build the cylinders. I now have two rear ripper cylinders roughed in and will sand and prime them this afternoon and begin the next two . I hope to get all 8 cylinders built by Sat. afternoon.
Then I will begin the design for the rear gearbox .
Another great Gaylord Day- It was another nice walking morning for Deb and I . I even did a little running . I have had some pains that have slowed me down from running this year. But I realize I am old and i will still do it but not as much .
Have a Great Tues. !! God is GREAT !!