September 20, 2024

Cat Ripper cylinders and frame started by Don Campbell.

catripperstarted, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Caterpillar Hydraulic Cylinders – Todays progress picture shows the early construction of the ripper frame and the first picture of the four rear ripper cylinders sanded and primed. I think the whole ripper assembly is going to look great on the rear of the model . You can also see some of the rear axle plate detail.
today i am busy working on the last two cylinders. Monday I will get going on more ripper parts .
Gaylord Machine and Fabrication – I just called in 7 more sheets of 10ft x 4 ft sheetmetal . So far I have used 9 full sheets on this model . The most I have ever used on any model. But the worst part is the steel prices continue to skyrocket so this will be the most costly model I have also ever built. But I have no regrets as this is still my favorite model since i began this hobby.
Have a great Friday !!