September 19, 2024

Don Campbell Museum and Don’s wife Deb and the Museum Manager Leon.

doncampbellmuseum3, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Don Campbell Museum – Todays picture shows three more of Don’s one of a kind mega models .
This year 4 more models will be added to the museum . A great Lakes Freighter model that is over 5 feet long and Don’s only boat model , a Cat Coal Scraper model over 5 feet long , a Chessie gp-40 Diesel Locomotive that is over 15 feet long and the current Cat Dozer model that will be over 13 feet long.
Talk about a uniqie toy collection , these are all one of a kind creations Don has built from scratch. I asked Don how he will ever top this monster dozer or the monster train models . He said he is planning next to build his all time favorite piece of machinery . He said it will be a large scale Cat 994F Front End Loader . He is still unsure of the scale but he is thinking the cab height will be around five feet tall . He is limited not to go too big on his models because of his small workshop . These two shovels will get stands to be displayed on before the museum opens.
1/3rd scale Cat D-11R Dozer Progress- Working on the side beam parts.
Have a great Thurs. !!