September 19, 2024

Cat D-11R blade attachment joint is next to be designed.

bladejoint3, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

1/3rd scale – Todays picture shows the next step I will work on designing the parts for the two swivel joints that allow the front blade to tip forward or backward.
Bye Bye Alpenfest – We enjoyed Celtic singers from Ireland last night and everyone was really enjoying it. Deb and I liked this group the best of all the nights at the Alpenfest concerts. We babysat for Nicole and Bill and Took Terak to the Alpenfest too and it was so much fun. We love that little baby so much, he is so smiley . One day next week we will head to Mackinaw Island for more fun.
NINETY FIVE DEGREES- Good news, bad news about the hot weather , the bad news is our lawn has died for the first time in 30 years .
We went on a weeks vacation and the sprinker system was off and when we returned the lush green grass had turned completely brown.
I keep waiting for a couple cool rainy days to help bring it back and get the sprinklers going again. But in this heat and no rain for weeks it’s almost impossible . Even most of the lawns being watered have so many dead spots it actually looks worse.
More bad news is our house doesn’t have central air conditioneing . The little bit of good news is we do have air conditioning in our bedroom so Deb and I are spending more time in the bedroom than we have in several
years !!, ha,ha, ha But at our age the only thing turned on is the TV LOL tee, hee
Hope your all staying cool and having a great summer !!