September 20, 2024

St. Ignace Truck Show, The Chrome Warehouse Exhaust Stacks .

St. Ignace – Deb and i drove up to Mackinaw yesterday for lunch and decided to go across the Mackinaw Bridge and check out the Truck Show. The weather was perfect and they had dozens of big trucks with fancy paintjobs. Several of them having the large chrome show exhaust stacks. I am always amazed at those huge pipes . So i just had to get my picture by the Chrome Warehouse booth. The sun was shining so bright making all the chrome look great.
Soo Locks – After the Truck Show we decided to make a full day of it and we headed north to the Soo Locks. We spent three hours watching the ships and headed back to Mackinaw for supper at our favorite Fish and Chips place called Scallawags. We got home about 9:00 last night and it was a 10 hour day of fun just goofing off. Deb and I still have so much fun together after 40 years. We both still make each other laugh and we enjoy talking about everything on our rides in the car. Something so simple yesterday was so fun. It doesn’t matter if you don’t go to some exotic island on a cruise ship or disneyland to have a great day. To us all that matters is that were together and still happy and best friends after 40 years. (:>)
Have a great Sunday with the ones you love.