September 20, 2024

Deb and Nicole and the Mighty Midget Kitchen and the best darn ribs in the D.C. area.

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Deb and Nicole and the Mighty Midget Kitchen and the best darn ribs in the D.C. area.

Deb and Nicole and the Mighty Midget Kitchen and the best darn ribs in the D.C. area.

I took this picture of Deb and Nicole this afternoon as they sampled their second slab of ribs. You can see behind them a small tin shack that is the building where we bought them and the ribmaster. I have been looking for the perfect ribs for a long time . Many places have good tender ribs, but no crunch to them. Others are so tender they are mushy and no crunch and no smoke flavor. I’ll have to say on a scale of one to ten and ten being the best, these ribs were a ten !!
They had the 9 hours of smoke flavor , they had the slightly burned crunch on the outside and they had 3/4 tenderness when picking them up by the bones and still having some firmness to them but still almost falling off the bones. For a store the size of a small fishing shanty , they put out a whopper of a slam of ribs !!!! We will definately stop here twice a year on our visits to D.C. for the best darn ribs in the D.C. area.