September 19, 2024

Bill, Nicole, Deb and I with the Jefferson Monument and Cherry Blossoms by the Potomac

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It was a nice 72 degree day and we walked along the Potomac River by the Pentagon towards Regan International Airport. The big planes were taking off right over our heads . I was hoping to see one of the brand new 380 Super Air Busses fly over us. . One landed earlier this week at Dulles Airport. Did I ever mention I also love watching the big jumbo jets taking off and landing at the big airports. I am always amazed at how big and powerful they look and sound going over at low altitudes.

Then we walked back to the car and drove to Old Town Alexandria. We walked around their for a couple hours and did a little window shopping and ate lunch.  On the way back we drove by Georgetown and saw several rowing teams in the Potomac River practicing their rowing.

There are more new pictures below this one and several more if you go to the photo gallery section and click on ( Spring DC 07 Trip ) section. The four of us had a fun day , and now we are relaxing and Deb and Nicole are making us a couple homemade bread style pizzas decked out with all the goodies. P.S. , I really do plan on starting a serious diet next Mon., not this Mon., a week from this Mon. , LOL.