September 19, 2024


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Did you ever close your eyes and imagine you were in a happy place , 80 degree sunny afternoon walking around a outdoor museum and climbing up on a old piece of machinery? ha,ha.
Well, after 5 days of zero wind chills, 12 inches of snow and icy roads, I needed to do that, ha,ha.
This picture was taken on just one of those perfect days with Deb. I’m not sure it Deb thought it was a perfect day , but I’m sure she really enjoyed it, LOL.
FIRST DAY OF LOSING WEIGHT- Well, today is the first day of Deb and I kicking in to gear to lose a minimum of 20 lbs. Unfortunately our treadmill motor died yesterday . But that will not stop us. Biking is out now for a while with all the slippery roads too. I did get up and get a good exercise in this morning and I am counting everything I eat.
I get 2000 calories a day . That seems like a lot, but my normal day is closer to 6000 a day(:>). So that is cutting back a lot for me.
For breakfast I had 5 blanched almonds and 5 walnuts and a large glass of fresh squeezed lemon water.
Mid-morning snack was a (full cup) of raw cabbage
My lunch is 2 oz. of boiled skinless chicken and a (full cup) of homeade chili
Afternoon snack will be 6 triscuit crackers and a tablespoon of peanut butter.
Supper will be a childs portion of pork roast with part of a boiled potato and some boiled carrots and celery.
Tonights snack I will splurg and have (a cup and a half )of raw cabbage, LOL
In otherwords my life as I knew it with Steaks on the grill, Barbecued Ribs, Chinese Food, Chocolate Fondue , chips , candy , pop , ice cream and cake, etc,etc.,etc. is OVER .
What is the use of even going on without all that junk food . (:<).
The good news is every spring I shed my winter protective layer I have built up to shelter my fragile body from the harsh Northern Michigan Winters.
Every spring Deb dangles my speedo in front of me and says to me ,” here try this on ” , and that is all it takes to get me thinking of summer strolls on the beach in that speedo, LOL.
Seriously, I have no regrets, Deb and I have the best of times during the winters going and eating at our favorite places and having fun with Nicole and Bill eating all over D.C.
Every spring I am more than ready to get back to eating better and exercising more.
By mid-summer we are feeling great and enjoying our summer buff bodies, ha,ha.
Komatsu Progress- I spent the morning sanding more parts of the big superdozer model and priming them.
This afternoon it is supposed to get up to 33 so I will wash the car and truck in the driveway and get the salt off them.
MORE SNOW IN THE FORECAST FOR WED. – This could be the last snow later this week, there were snowmobilers out yesterday .