September 20, 2024

Boyne City Mushroom Festival , NO fresh Mushrooms this year.

funinthebarn, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Boyne City Mushroom Festival – Deb and I drove to Boyne city again Sat. morning to get in line to buy a couple quarts of fresh picked Morels . Sat. morning there is always a few people standing by their cars with coolers half full of mushrooms for sale. We knew they would be very expensive if anyone had any for sale . But reality hit us as we failed to see a single person selling a single sack of fresh picked mushrooms. A vendor set up at the craft show was selling morel shirts and other mushroom related items and he said he had ONE POUND of fresh mushrooms early in the morning and the first person who stopped at his table bought them for $55.00 . He did have a half a lb more on the table he said he picked that were dry still in the ground when he picked them. But we didn’t want them. He also said he travels all over the Northern U.S. looking for Morels and Michigan Morels are the best tasting . A vendor next to him had some dry ones for sale purchased from mushroom farms but he said they don’t even come close to the taste of fresh ones.
We were also told that the Scottville , Mi. Morel Mushroom Co. that grows fresh Morel Mushrooms indoors is about to go out of business. The co. is on their 3rd owners now and it is too costly to sit and watch mushrooms grow . The main reason for the failure of the co. is because after all the money invested the bottom line is the artificial Morel Mushrooms look like Morels but do not taste like them.
It is estimated is is costing the company close to $90.00 a lb. to grow them and that makes no sense if they don’t taste right people will not buy them at any price.
Last year we had enough Morels to last us til Christmas so were not complaining .
We will just have to wait til next year
Little Red Barn – Todays picture is one of my favorites from our vacation in Washington D.C. a week ago. Deb, Nicole, Terak and I were looking at a bunch of chickens in a pen at the Frying Pan Park and I decided to go check out some old farm equipment in the barn. As I approached the door to look in I heard little footsteps behind me and it was my awesome little grandson Terak wanting to go with grandpa. (:>) Being a grandpa for the first time is so COOL !! You can see Nicole is keeping an eye on him just in case this brand new grandpa makes any mistakes , ha,ha.
I had so much fun holding Teraks hand walking through the farm, going to the Air and Space Museum , going to the Malls , the area park and just playing on the floor with all his toys with him. Were smart enough to know these are the precious moments that go by so fast and taking lots of pictures is good.
Have a great Sunday and enjoy this one more day God has given us.