September 20, 2024

Half Scale Tractors , pulling garden tractors by Don Campbell

decalsfor730, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Narrow front garden tractors- Gaylord Herald Times has never seen my newest garden tractor projects but I’m sure it would interest many people who go to tractor shows. These little mini tractors always draw a big crowd at the tractor shows like Buckley . I have always drooled over them myself . Who knows maybe by next year i will have made a few more of them and I may want to go display my own mini tractor collection (:>)
Gaylord Steel and Fabrication – Today i ran out of steel in my shop and I figured they would have two or three sheets of 18 ga. for me to cut up but they only had one sheet in stock. So I ordered four sheets from them for later this week and took the one sheet they did have and sheared it up the best I could .
Frost tonight – The last two nights we have had the air conditioning going and tonight there is a chance of frost . A cold NW wind today has really cooled things down.
Running again- I been running again the last few days and today I ran 20 blocks and it felt really good. So hopefully now that i am 60 something won’t give out and Deb has to pick me up along side of the road, ha,ha.
Have a great Tues. and I thank God for this one more day he has given us.