September 19, 2024

Don gets a E-mail today from John saying the funerals are today for the miners.

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Don gets a E-mail today from John saying the funerals are today for the miners.

Don gets a E-mail today from John saying the funerals are today for the miners.

I received a nice E-mail today from John in Barton, Maryland. He said to say thanks to all who kept them in their daily prayers.
John said he arrived at the scene of the highwall collapse just minutes after it happened. He also said these miners were like family to him. John said he could not leave the sight until they were found .
Now knowing they did not suffer helps to ease his mind.
He said he got frustrated several times with the safety people that hampered his efforts to get back in the shovel and get back to digging.
He said today they will all lay his friends to rest . As I said last week, these people are very close to each other, but more than that , they are very close to God.
If they can not get through this with each others help, they know God will give them the needed strength .
Thanks again John for the nice E-mail